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My life experiences within the media, publishing, academic and military environments, showed me that people of all ages and life paths, find a need for a faith in something bigger than themselves. While working voluntarily in a Care Home, I noticed that even atheists have a faith of some kind, as they begin to draw their last breath.

I have seen a lot of people die. I've seen a lot of dead bodies. Is that bad of me to say so? Even though 100% of us will reach that destination and go through that experience at some point in life. 

Why I Know God Exists

Big Business Believers

Working in big business taught me that people have faiths of different kinds: In themselves to make the 'big time'; in money to give them riches beyond their imaginations (and their imaginations were big, I'll grant them that!); and a faith in Satan too.  Rich men (and women) know their bank accounts could zero down to nothing at any second, it's all at the behest of their god, or God.

What It Is

I've come across many people who have either faced their own death, were about to pop their clogs, or have dealt with the death of their loved ones - enough to know that God is here. Among us. With us. Inside us. You've only to look around you at the magnificence of this earth, or even the structure of your own eye, to see it wasn't put together with chaos.  

Military Mercy

While working for the military, I learned how young (and old) men took their positions on the front lines. Amongst their training routines of exercise, assault courses, marching drill, uniform and kit repair, shooting weapons of all sizes, they also had church services too. And, almost all of them had a faith in God. These rufty-tufty men and women had all the hallmarks of dis-belief in any kind of Creator before they even held a weapon of any kind - yet, facing their own death ensured their soul had somewhere to go. Besides, there's always a lot of respect granted to the Padre. The Padre is always there, alongside them in the thick of it, capturing their souls as they ascend (or, unfortunately, descend) to the next realm. Trust me, if you don't have a belief in God, there are plenty of people who believe in Satan and his minions. I've looked into enough haunted eyes to know the demons exist and are vying to capture your soul. So, be like the soldiers on a battlefield. Your soul is so precious, angels and demons are continuously fighting for it.  

What The Bible Is To Me

Faith in 1 Corinthians 15-1-4 is the answer for me, although knowing the reason for Yeshua's death, burial and resurrection helps.  I know that reading the Bible can be terribly boring - especially if you can't understand it, but knowing who wrote each book and why, helps. For instance, Leviticus, written by Moses, is a medical book and lists all the things you should and shouldn't do, so you can either heal or harm yourself. The Old Testament God tells of His Son's arrival.  The New Testament validates His arrival, reason for his walking on this earth in a physical body and the end result. When I finally realised God's Son IS The Word I began to read it with more urgency. The Bible clarifies historic events as well as establishing what will happen in the future if we don't listen to him.  And, your reward if you do. All those 'boring' lists of genealogies, show you who and where his chosen descendants are. The metaphorical messages that fill the pages, enlightens and heals your soul.

The Meaning Of Life

After a stint on the front line, a soldier's face changes dramatically. I've seen it first hand. Immediately upon their return from a war zone, their attitudes alter dramatically. At times, this is called Post Traumatic Stress Dis-order. The haunted staring eyes, concentrated brow-line creases and thin, pinched lips revealed the thoughts that burrowed uncontrollably in their brains, the stories they told were of another world. Another realm they did not wish to return to. Their search for the meaning of this life had only just begun.

How To Know Faith In God Isn’t A Scam

At times, the missing element in this physical life is something bigger than we allow ourselves to believe. If you live with thoughts in your head that tell you that you are no good, you could do better or you should go end your life... that's NOT God. God wants only your love. Ask yourself, who would tell you such things?  To help you on the road to finding something that may just satisfy the inner yearning inside you, I've pulled together a lot of videos on YouTube. Go here to find out more:  @GodsArmyUK 

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